Writer. Author. Thinker. Storyteller.
Welcome to my website. As a professional Author, I aim to create a better understanding of the world and our place in it, even if it is through the role of mystery writer.
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My Bio
I worked as a Fingerprint Technician for a sheriff's department and a Juvenile Corrections Officer for a probation department in California. I then lived in Sicily, Italy for 16 years with my two dogs (including Tim, who looks like a curly-haired Dalmatian and co-stars in the Terry Strong, P.I., series) and ten canaries. I currently live in California.
I am a member of the Crime Writers’ Association, Private Eye Writers of America, and Sisters In Crime, both National and Los Angeles Chapters.
I am a former judge of the Shamus Awards of The Private Eye Writers of America. I was an editor and reviewer of both the now defunct print magazine and the online version of “Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine.”
Amazon Author Page:

October 17, 2017, Republished by Level Best Books, August 31, 2021
Terry Strong is a PI with a Black Belt in Taekwondo and a ceaseless determination.
Fred Greene has been murdered…in his own home while watching TV. The police have arrested his girlfriend, Barbara Metcalf. But Barbara’s brother, attorney Donald Remick doesn’t believe she did it. Remick hires Terry to prove Barbara’s innocence. But it won’t be easy. All the evidence points right to Barbara. Even Fred’s son, Robert, believes Barbara shot his father. She had been at the Greene residence that night just as Robert was leaving. Later that night, Fred was found dead…by Barbara.
Trying to untie all the twisted knots of relationships has Terry frustrated and confused while at the same time, her relationship with her sometime SO, Carl Black, compounds the stress. Adding to that the puzzling connection between Robert Greene and Donald Remick’s daughter, Sylvia, makes this a mystifying and difficult case to solve.
Terry finally unweaves all the strands and with the help of her Black Belt, brings this case to a shocking conclusion which no one expected.

April 1, 2018
In this second Terry Strong novel, she has been hired by Martin Oldfield to find his wife. After a bit of confusion, Terry discovers that the wife, Eloise, had disappeared 25 years ago, leaving Oldfield with a five-month old baby. After investigating Eloise’s whereabouts, Terry finds her, but she is now Louise Kingley. Terry arranges for Oldfield and Louise to meet. The day after the first meeting, Oldfield is arrested for killing Louise. Oldfield hires Terry to clear him of the murder, sending Terry on an ever-changing whirlwind search to discover who Eloise/Louise truly was and who, in fact, killed her. A surprise ending brings the investigation to a shocking close.
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"Writing is the geometry of the soul"

Get in touch with me for more information about my previous publications and upcoming releases.